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release v0.4.23-rc1

  - fix: limit SW registration to content root ([ipfs/go-ipfs#6801](
  - fix issue 6760, adding with hash-only, high CPU usage. ([ipfs/go-ipfs#6764](
  - fix(coreapi/add): close the fake repo used when adding with hash-only ([ipfs/go-ipfs#6747](
  - fix bug 6748 ([ipfs/go-ipfs#6754](
  - fix(pin): wait till after fetching to remove direct pin ([ipfs/go-ipfs#6708](
  - pin: fix pin update X Y where X==Y ([ipfs/go-ipfs#6669](
  - namesys: set the correct cache TTL on publish ([ipfs/go-ipfs#6667](
  - build: fix golangci again ([ipfs/go-ipfs#6641](
  - make: move all test deps to a separate module ([ipfs/go-ipfs#6637](
  - fix: close peerstore on stop ([ipfs/go-ipfs#6629](
  - build: fix build when we don't have a full git tree ([ipfs/go-ipfs#6626](
- (v0.0.8-cbb485998356 -> v0.0.8-e37498cf10d6):
  - fix: wait until we finish connecting before we cancel the context ([ipfs/go-bitswap#226](
  - engine: tag peers based on usefulness ([ipfs/go-bitswap#191](
- (v0.0.2 -> v0.0.4):
  - fix parsing issues and nits ([ipfs/go-cid#97](
  - Verify that prefix is correct v0 prefix ([ipfs/go-cid#96](
- (v0.0.5 -> v0.0.10):
  - Ensure that length of multihash is properly handled ([multiformats/go-multihash#119](
  - fix murmur3 name  ([multiformats/go-multihash#115](
  - rename ID to IDENTITY ([multiformats/go-multihash#113](
- (v0.0.1 -> v0.0.3):
  - fix bug in meter traversal logic ([libp2p/go-flow-metrics#11](
- (v0.0.28 -> v0.0.32):
  - options to configure known relays for autorelay ([libp2p/go-libp2p#705](
  - feat(host): recursively resolve addresses ([libp2p/go-libp2p#764](
  - mdns: always use interface addresses ([libp2p/go-libp2p#667](
- (v0.0.6 -> v0.2.1):
  - don't count connections in the grace period against the limit ([libp2p/go-libp2p-connmgr#50](
  - metrics: fix memory leak ([libp2p/go-libp2p-kad-dht#390](
- (v0.0.1 -> v0.0.2):
  - close the underlying connection when the handshake fails ([libp2p/go-libp2p-tls#39](
  - make the error check for not receiving a public key more explicit ([libp2p/go-libp2p-tls#34](
  - Fix: Connection Closed after handshake ([libp2p/go-libp2p-tls#37](
- (v0.0.4 -> v0.0.6):
  - Add mutex for write/close ([libp2p/go-ws-transport#65](