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Corrected pronoun use, third person tenses, and a few other text errors

samandsteve requested to merge samandsteve/the-child-trainer:samandsteve into master
  • Corrected instances of $npc.pronoun that should be $npc.possessive. For female pronouns these look the same, "her pussy"/"her pussy". For other pronouns it causes a problem "them pussy"/"their pussy"

  • Made a few miscellaneous grammar corrections and tweaks.

  • Fixed third person terms with a general purpose widget:

thirdPerson let's the writer specify what terms to use for first person and third person.

Argument 0 is the string to use if the npc doesn't use third person pronouns. Argument 1 is the string to use if the npc does use third person pronouns.

Exmaples: $npc.GenPronoun <<thirdPerson "has" "have">> a sore bum.

  • He has a sore bum.
  • She has a sore bum.
  • They have a sore bum.

$npc.GenPronoun <<thirdPerson "is" "are">> happy to see you.

  • He is happy to see you.
  • She is happy to see you.
  • They are happy to see you.

This makes code easier to read and write. There is only one widget to learn instead of several for every special case. You can clearly see the entirety of each word instead of words being chopped in pieces (except "he's", "she's", and "they're" which still use $npc.genPronoun<<thirdPerson "'s" "'re">>)

Merge request reports
