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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Mar 08, 2024
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * Fixed bug when viewing character stats with cheat mode on. · 28316e18
      Carrabina authored
      * Fixed text bug when breastfeeding after slave demands for food.
      * Fixed typo when undressing.
      * Swapped "PC" in "(You don't have anything at your disposal to obtain kids. Try the online store on the PC)" to "conputer in your room" to make it even clearer.
  2. Jan 18, 2024
  3. Jan 14, 2024
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * Forgot about the $slaves access to trigger waking up after sleeping with NPC. · 0fbb4cfd
      Carrabina authored
      * Removed Basement.deleteSlave() it's never gonna be useful again.
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * Replaced several locations using the $slaves story variable for the function... · 2fe082eb
      Carrabina authored
      * Replaced several locations using the $slaves story variable for the function Person.all() so it includes all NPCs.
      * When selling an NPC now Person.delete() is used instead of Basement.deleteSlave() since the sold NPCs are not only found in the basement now.
      * Improved "Age up right now" cheat button. Now it resets age progress and takes NPC holders into account.
      * Fixed clothes items tags not being a Set instance (they were an array)
      * Fixed used condoms appearing in the player's inventory out of nowhere (condom removed event now checks if the character is indeed wearing a condom before proceeding with the removal process).
      * Garbage items in the inventory (only used condoms for now) have the option to be thrown away with a button on the inventory.
      * Before checking if an option can be shown the temporary variable checkedGenericCanBeShown is set back to false so the previous check doesn't affect the next one. (It was making the option to bring the slaves upstairs disappear completely sometimes).
      * I forgot to actually save the last time when pending births were checked, thus making births being checked on every passage instead of every 6 hours. But turns out that it doesn't seem to impact performance at all, so I removed lastBirthCheck and the code that checked it so births are checked on every passage as a feature instead of a bug.
      * Fixed the symbol $ missing when referencing the npc story variable when cumming in ass in the sleep.
      * Removed an * in a scene that was causing an error.
      * bringUpstairs interaction actually checking the npc's age (at least 1 year old)
  4. Jan 06, 2024
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * release · 114aeda1
      Carrabina authored
      * Lots of bugs fixed
      * Avoiding NPC to be put down outside the basement for the first time with a freedom wish > 25
      * Added AI generated image for infant formula.
      * Removed fear for babies born in the house.
      * Babies get hungry very fast.
      * Taking achievement 'beenOnHomeMain' into account when leaving an NPC outside the basement.
      * Added missing texts for when using a condom.
      * NPCs cannot be ordered to go back to the basement if they're being held or they are babies.
  5. Jan 01, 2024
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * Static method to obtain the needed LivingCharacter (Player or NPC). · 6d13cdf7
      Carrabina authored
      * Method to impregnate with a single command (useful for tests).
      * Added argument in consumePlayerItem macro that allows to specify the storage location.
      * Boobs grow on fifth month of pregnancy.
      * Boobs disappear when <10yo and lactation ends.
      * Baby feed interaction for hungry babies only (breastfeed if applicable otherwise infant formula if available, otherwise the option is hidden)
  6. Dec 30, 2023
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * Characters (both player and NPCs) stop lactating when they haven't breastfeed anyone in 5 days. · a2551d1e
      Carrabina authored
      * Created a centralized method in LivingCharacter class to manage the previous point called lactationTimeout. To be called when a character starts lactating or when the number of their held NPCs changes.
      * Cook will not feed normal food to babies (only baby formula).
      * Optimized daily Cook infant formula feed.
      * Slaves will not lose obedience when they reach the maximum level.
      * Player can now take lactation pills through the inventory window.
      * Cook cannot be picked up while on the kitchen.
      * Held NPCs will not change location except for the cook that will go to the kitchen on cooking hours.
      * A servant that is being hold cannot be put down in the basement.
  7. Dec 27, 2023
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * Fixed and optimized letting an NPC being hold by the player down. · ee25dafc
      Carrabina authored
      * $kitchen initialized on a new game.
      * Babies are feed by the cook once a day if present and feeding enabled, while consuming one infant formula feed.
      * Waking up messages implemented and waking up message shown when using the last infant formula feed.
      * The kitchen contents can be checked when the player selects the option to check the cabinet.
      * When getting an object by name and no item with exact name is found returns the first item with a name containing all the words in the provided name.
      * When an NPC is added to the inventory the location is automatically set to "unknown"
      * Message indicating that infant formula is stored in the kitchen when receiving it from the courier.
      * Fixed and optimized picking up NPCs
  8. Dec 23, 2023
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * Added StrangeFriend sprites for pregnancy test and fertility pills. · e8dedf83
      Carrabina authored
      * Optimized sprites for candy and condom.
      * Added JavaScript function to align product sprites vertically.
      * Base getContents and has functions for all home spaces that are saved in SugarCube story variables (to get the items that the home space stores).
      * Added infant formula to the online store.
      * Added kitchen in story variables to store purchased infant formula.
      * Standardized the function to get a product destination after purchase.
      * Centralized static method to obtain the right Npc object based on available info (Npc.obtain(Npc, variables))
      * Optimized code to detect when a NPC, that is being hold, gets old enough to walk on their own (and holder releasing it by itself).
      * NPCs that have their holder is lactating do not have their hunger increased.
  9. Dec 10, 2023
  10. Dec 06, 2023
  11. Dec 03, 2023
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * NpcItems now have only the UID on the extra property (instead of the full... · 73044e38
      Carrabina authored
      * NpcItems now have only the UID on the extra property (instead of the full NPC object) to avoid retrieving outdated info.
      * Finally finished making the key option engine support more than 10 options on all passages. After option 0 the next one is activated with Shift + 1.
      * Showing months for <1yo on Person short description as well.
      * Option for the player to pick up < 7yo kids.
  12. Nov 29, 2023
  13. Nov 27, 2023
  14. Nov 26, 2023
  15. Nov 19, 2023
  16. Nov 17, 2023
  17. Nov 15, 2023
  18. Nov 09, 2023
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * Fixed carried babies showing an unknown location in the character stats. Now... · 9219ee67
      Carrabina authored
      * Fixed carried babies showing an unknown location in the character stats. Now it shows the location from the character carrying them (the player or an NPC)
      * List items in an inventory by description.
      * Check if an inventory contains an NPC.
      * Getting NPC inventory now works by ID instead of NPC instance.
      * Temporary() and Variables() now available in the console for easier debugging (why I didn't do that before?)
      * Extracted slave interaction utility objects and functions in a separate file to make it easier to navigate.
  19. Oct 28, 2023
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * Method to add an npc to an inventory (used for holding a child) · 0a558f5f
      Carrabina authored
      * When adding a person uniqueness preset a new instance object is created to avoid the original preset being affected to the changes made to the one assigned to the person.
      * Option in the settings variable to allow babies being born in unnatural colors (the actual setting in the UI is still not implemented).
      * Hopefully fixed all bugs when a child is born (mostly caused by scope variables)
      * Added an OK button in the dialog to name a baby. Just to make it clearer for the player even though the name is changed on the fly when typing it to the text box.
  20. Oct 16, 2023
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * Avoiding child being born with unnatural color. Natural color noted in the... · 9d48a74e
      Carrabina authored
      * Avoiding child being born with unnatural color. Natural color noted in the parents with unnatural hair (bleached). Unless the settings allow it.
      * Fix: checking instead of mom.impregnator since the latter is removed when the general giveBirth function is called before.
      * Dialog asking for the newborn name finished.
      * Game version now showing under the title in the sidebar.
  21. Oct 09, 2023
  22. Sep 28, 2023
  23. Sep 16, 2023
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * Interaction option text can be generated by a function. · dcd441f9
      Carrabina authored
      * Uniqueness condition field can be redirected to another specific field in another age group condition.
      * Pregnancy test refusal and forcing working correctly (but text for forcing needs to be written).
      * Added cheat code "teststartkit" that adds all kinds of consumables from the online store directly to the player's inventory (without having to wait for the next day to receive them) and increases mattresses on the basement to 10 for testing and debugging purposes.
      * Fixed okSleepWithPlayerDemand interaction with the missing text for when wearing a condom and using playerCum macro.
      * "Use a condom" interaction with variable option text to make it clearer for the player on what is the option gonna do.
  24. Sep 13, 2023
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * Character stats window using Person.all() to get all NPCs and not only slaves. · ef438539
      Carrabina authored
      * New cheat code: typing "cheat" quickly enables or disables cheat mode.
      * New macro "consumePlayerItem" that removes a unit from the player's inventory and shows how many are left to the player. Something that was done on multiple places.
      * magicSunglasses widget to use magic sunglasses on more places.
      * On cheat mode the player can set any impregnation chance on any NPC from the character stats window.
      * For convenience, removing items from an inventory returns the number of units of the same item left in the inventory.
      * Avoid adding a cum filled condom to the inventory when the cumshot is outside.
      * Possibility of having more than 10 keyed options (next options after 0 will follow with Shift + 1, Shift + 2, etc...)
      * Triggering the action to remove the condom after the player or the npc cums and added the playerCum macro to indicate the player cumming.
      * Added some missing impregnation checks in the home slave sleep with p...
  25. Sep 07, 2023
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * Added Turbotowns pet mechanic design. · c3cd9a95
      Carrabina authored
      * Pizza increases love a little bit.
      * Pregnancy test for slaves.
      * Completed pregnancyTest uniqueness table for the possible reactions.
      * Cum feeding after bj gives mouth training.
  26. Aug 31, 2023
  27. Aug 29, 2023
  28. Aug 28, 2023
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * Method LivingCharacter.getPregnancyMonth(LivingCharacter) to get the... · 46b0a1c9
      Carrabina authored
      * Method LivingCharacter.getPregnancyMonth(LivingCharacter) to get the simulated pregnancy month of a character (i.e. if pregnancy duration is 6 months and NPC have been pregnant for 3 months it will return 5) to adapt the character to the pregnancy stage.
      * New array of NPCs in for NPCs that are not slaves but part of the player's home family.
      * Iterating from window.Person.all() instead of variables.slaves when all NPCs are needed. Since a new array of NPCs is now available.
      * Mentioning pregnant belly on person description.
      * Pregnant characters get hungry faster after 4rt pregnancy month.
  29. Aug 21, 2023
  30. Aug 20, 2023
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * Changed the name of the "wearing inventory" to "equipped inventory" since... · 37998522
      Carrabina authored
      * Changed the name of the "wearing inventory" to "equipped inventory" since it's gonna be used for more things that just wearing stuff.
      * Added optional extra object field in Item so that a item can hold an object with data related to that item.
      * Moved common code for the giveBirth() method to the base LivingCharacter class because the same code it will be used for both player and NPC.
      This changes are still untested, might contain bugs.
  31. Aug 17, 2023
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * Using scenery instead of passage to check if inside the house. · 7116e0d9
      Carrabina authored
      * Every 6 hours in the unlessEmergency macro a check is made on all the characters in case it's time for someone to give birth (WIP)
      * Fixed bug where feminine hairstyles were removed. And added a fix to restore them when loading an earlier save game.
      * Method to give birth for NPCs.
      * Player class moved to it's own file player.ts
  32. Aug 15, 2023
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * Triggering of the online bought products integrated into the unlessEmergency... · fc096d17
      Carrabina authored
      * Triggering of the online bought products integrated into the unlessEmergency macro by recording the time of the first purchase. Now the even will never be skipped.
      * unlessEmergency widget converted into a macro to be able to use JavaScript's return (to exit function) when an emergency event is triggered and avoid making a huge if/else tree for that.
      * Created Wiki(markup string, output DOM) function to be able to output markup in macros easily.
      * Listening to the pregnancyOption setting to avoid impregnation when it's disabled in the settings.
      * Advancing pregnancy everyday for both player and NPC's.
      * In case an item is bought and not delivered before the game is updated the purchase time will be set to the current time if after 7:00 AM or the day before otherwise.
  33. Aug 11, 2023
  34. Aug 07, 2023
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * Able to remove condom for both the player and an NPC. · d9e6899c
      Carrabina authored
      * When removed after cumming the filled condom in the inventory has the character id in the name in case it can be used in genetics later.
      * Checking for worn condom by the impregnator instead of achievement.
      * The player can now be impregnated by a slave.
      * Text for NPC cumming in player's pussy when in different circumstances (dry cum, cum in condom and cum inside)
      * Removing condom from NPC automatically when interaction ends.
  35. Aug 02, 2023
  36. Jul 30, 2023
  37. Jul 24, 2023
  38. Jul 21, 2023
    • Carrabina's avatar
      * Condoms can be used from the inventory and makes the player wear it · cf6e3d55
      Carrabina authored
      * Method to construct the markup for each inventory line with action buttons if applicable (only use for now, but maybe other actions could be added in the future like drop, turn on, etc...)
      * If wearing inventory doesn't exist a brand new one is assigned to the player object.
      * Magic sunglasses on store was altered before (added "unsellable" tag) so now it's updated if the store it's on an old version.