- SLQ (Super Low Quality) mode: Press F4 to toggle between disabling and enabling all dynamic lights - FEEDBACK HIGHLY APPRECIATED!
- Screenshot key (F10) - only saves as PNG for now. Uses timestamp format, and will delete old screenshots once the limit of 10 is reached
- Hint texts for main menu settings
- AF (Anisotropic filtering) setting added to main menu
- T-Shirt for DFC (Gaming loli)
- Dialog options are now using buttons instead of a list
- Dialog now shows proper speaker indicators by aligning the bubbles and recoloring them
- Dialog now shows narrator text in the middle bubble
- New small desk in Julay's room
- New potted plant in living room
- Wind turbine(s) (inspired by "Aria") out on the ocean near the coast
- Initial work on world expansion towards "Italy island" aka "Little Venice"
- Changed interior walls to wallpaper
- Kitchen floor now has linoleum floor with pattern
- NPC_Manager to properly initialize placed entities (NPC/MC) and handle relationship and affection between entities
- New preview image for the loli in the interaction view
- Reworked UI for MC and NPC tabs.
- Added affection bar to NPC view
- Added name of NPC and relationship to player below NPC profile picture
- Fix for Windows startup crash related to video playing on TV
- Log file enabled in user directory (log.txt is the latest)
- Foolproofed settings loading a bit better
- Added more descriptive debug messages
- Shark dildo has collision shape now
- HUD has toggle-able FPS counter
- Main menu has VSYNC, MSAA, and shadow settings (changing shadows requires restart)
- All settings are now saved in local files (Linux: ~/.local/share/LoCity3D - Windows most likely uses %appdata%)
- Adjusted the lights in the house a bit
- Made videoplayer (TV) able to adjust to all video sizes and can be interaction disabled
- Added "gaming loop" to video list
- Set TV in living room to loop only the gaming loop video and disabled interaction with it
initial release