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Stratos 552 / imgui_docking
MIT LicenseDear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
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SD-Tag2Csv is a Powershell based tool used for merging multiple .txt comma delimited files into a readable usable format. Also a count column will be added to total the occurrences of tags and then export everything out to a comma delimited .csv.
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Project Aurora e o projeto de um jogo feito por estudandes do curso de engenharia da computação da UEMG - Ituiutaba um "rpg" com uma historia a cada escolha leva a um final diferente
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The goal of the project is to create a community-based web application containing all informations about loli (and more) doujinshi. I am not planning to host any actual scans, but will provide an access to existing scans reader(mainly from hitomi.la)
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Mt first and so far only AVN. Abandoned due to circumstances in my life.
Yune finds out her father is a pedophile. But reveals more than she meant to when she confronts him.
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